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Adam Najberg

Global Head of Content for Alibaba Group

Adam Najberg

Global Head of Content for Alibaba Group

Adam is a specialist in corporate communications, crisis public relations, messaging, content, IPOs, digital marketing, owned and paid social media strategy, operations and transformation.

He is a well-rounded public relations and communications pro. He has led, planned and executed major event PR (including the largest shopping event in the world), overseen product and service launches, write releases and media communications and am the best editor both DJI and Alibaba have for English-language content. At DJI, he helped craft a company-wide crisis plan and regularly oversaw crisis management. He has a full, real (and virtual) rolodex of media contacts around the world. He has managed agency relationships, has drawn up and managed seven-figure capex and opex budgets.

Adam also has managed teams of over 300 people locally and remotely. He and his team built up Alibaba Group’s content and helped turn it into an award-winner and started up a content lab for Shenzhen DJI. In both cases, Their content drove massive and fast organic social-media following growth. He has started up Alibaba Group’s podcast and weekly newsletter, overseen paid content campaigns to drive millions of impressions and tripled the newsletter subscription rate from one campaign – raising its base to new heights.

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