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Jarrar Shah
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Jarrar Shah, the CEO and Co-founder is a serial entrepreneur who returned home to Pakistan after his undergraduate studies at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 2003 with dreams of building a business from scratch. After spending a few years trying different things and learning, he stumbled onto his passion play of 24SEVEN from the pain points he experienced as a part time weekend only Progressive farmer. When he saw the produce he was growing selling for 10X to 15X in retail compared to what he was getting from wholesale buyers, he set out to create an alternate marketing channel that would bypass the existing value chain comprising of 4 to 6 intermediaries. Starting off from brick & mortar, he would set up a small chain of stores that would go on to become neighborhood grocery stores by the brand name 24SEVEN cash & carry in 2014. was launched in 2016 and by 2017, the physical stores were shut down to exclusively focus on scaling through E-commerce. Jarrar also has a decades worth of experience in business development consulting but since 2019 has been all in on leaving his consultancy gig. Jarrar loves to read though finds it hard to read as much as he would like. He is a childhood fan of Manchester United and he loves playing cricket with his 4 year old on the weekends. He subscribes wholeheartedly to his Alma Mater School’s motto of “Perseverance commands success”, as his own 24SEVEN journey has been and continues to be one of perseverance and grit.