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Sunny Sun is the Former GM of China at BRAINFORCE China and was the former Vice President and Board Director of Nobao Renewable Energy Group, assists the CEO to coordinate the fundraising and merger processes, and is the key player of the team. Nobao Group is China’s No.1 supplier of fully-integrated energy management solutions utilizing GSHP technologies. In order to protect our IP, the company has developed an EMC model.

Dun is a hands-on operations and finance executive. She will share her 7-years working experience in China’s renewable energy industry, such as solar, GSHP system, LED and EV etc. She has rich knowledge about fundraising, including project financing, PE and IPO financing in overseas, national laws and policies, CDM projects, environmental protection and energy conservation.

She has nearly a decade of experience in the logistics sector in China, from 1995 to 2005, including warehouse, transportation, shipping line, third party logistics and supply chain. She can discuss with management teams in-depth analyses of various logistics sectors, policies, and current issues in China. With the rapid development of e-commerce, the demand for logistics has grown much larger, as logistics are a vital part of realizing the real economic value of e-commerce within 5 years.

Dun also has experience in education and manufacturing. She has particular strengths in strategic planning, organizational change, operational execution, restructurings, business development, fundraising and finance.

Sunny received her MSc in Finance & Accounting at London South Bank University in 2005, and her B.S. in Accountancy at Northeast University of Economy and Finance in 1997. She also received the Stanford Executive Program certificate and Stanford GSB Alumni in 2016.

She says, “Top management plays a promoter role in a startup company or rapid expansion company. The promoter is acting in conjunction with one or more other persons, and takes initiative in funding or organizing the business or enterprise. They will innovate an organization to scale excellence. Thus, it is important to think as an entrepreneur throughout your whole career.”