Check out Sanabil Accelerator by Orbit Batch 1 Demo Day!

Casey Lau is one of Hong Kong’s tech startup pioneers having co-founded one of Hong Kong’s first web design studios in 1997, the first e-commerce site in 1998 acquired by PCCW and Hong Kong’s first blog network, Popcorn Media, in 2008.

He is one of the co-founders of StartupsHK, Hong Kong’s premier startup community, creating events for startups to network and be educated.

He is also the Community Manager for SoftLayer’s Catalyst Startup Program, providing virtual incubator services for startups across Asia-Pacific. He is based in Hong Kong but travels frequently interacting with startup ecosystems around the Asia-Pacific region.

Connecting people and businesses and advising on business plans, pitch presentations and sharing a holistic look at startups around the world are his strong suits.

He is what some people have termed an “Apple Fanboy” which makes him a very discerning iPhone user. He is also writing a new graphic novel starring a detective that solves technology-related crimes to debut in 2014.