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Bas Overtoom

Director of Data Analytics at KPMG

Bas Overtoom

Director of Data Analytics at KPMG

Bas Overtoom has experience working with hundreds of innovative start-ups in the Netherlands as a program manager for the Dutch ‘New Venture’, a McKinsey&Co initiative supporting Dutch innovative entrepreneurship. He is specialized in the start-up and internationalization phases of businesses, especially on topics such as business planning, network development, company presentation & strategy development.

Bas was educated in Europe in the fields of ‘new media’ and ‘international economics’, and later in Beijing he perfected his Chinese language at the University International Business & Economy (UIBE). Next to this, he completed academic specializations in the ‘Computer science’ (Rice University) and ‘Data science’ (John Hopkins University).

Bas has lived in China from 2008-2015 (Shanghai, Beijing and Dalian) and is currently a director of data analytics at KPMG. He previously worked with Adversitement, Europe’s leading big-data company with Vodafone, ABN AMRO, Disney,, IG Group, ING, Conrad Electronics and Philips among its clients.

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